WEBSITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Documents are being entered daily. Present layout and organization of this site is temporary. The site’s present configuration is laid out for our internal entering and developmental needs. Please excuse our dust. Suggestions of a constructive nature would be appreciated.
This website has been established for the long term goal of not only preserving railroad documents but also making them available on line to researchers, historians, railroad buffs, and the general public. This project is in its infancy and will be ever changing. We will be looking for other documents that are already scanned or need to be scanned that can be included in this website. Because of the overwhelming amount of documentation out there we are concentrating at this point on the Overland Route prior to 1956, the Dining Car Departments of the C&NW, UP and SP, Recipe and Dining Car Operational Manuals from ALL railroads and C&NW passenger train operations in general. However, should a valuable collection be made available that do not meet the above criteria, we would consider including it within on a case by case basis. All documents, photos, or other items from private or public collections will be clearly noted as the source and or ownership. We are not looking at taking physical possession of the actual documents just acquiring the images of them.
Longer term our goal is to scan and present on line:
* As a complete collection of C&NW and UP public passenger timetables as possible. We hope to eventually expand the scope beyond these two roads.
* As many dining car department manuals, recipes, internal documents from any railroad.
* Dining car photos, menus, and stories from any and all railroads prior to the formation of AMTRAK.
Longer term we are also looking to partner with a not-for-profit orgnaization to eventually take ownership of this website and its continuing development.
When viewing the files please be aware that many of them may have more than one page. Please click on the file to expose other files beyond first page.